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view post Posted on 26/7/2009, 11:53

Neil Tennant, Pet Shop Boys: «Facebook? A cosa serve?»

Quest'anno i Pet Shop Boys hanno ricevuto un premio come Outstanding Music Contribution ai Brit Awards. Come vi sentite a 25 anni di carriera?
«Amiamo il nostro lavoro, amiamo scrivere canzoni e incidere album. Siamo motivati a farlo anche per il prossimi 25 anni!»

Chi sono i vostri eredi? Che musica vi piace oggi?
«Mi piacciono i Royksopp, i Mgmt e Amy Winehouse. Ma nessuno di loro è "i nuovi Pet Shop Boys". Noi siamo i nuovi Pet Shop Boys».

25 anni fa, Facebook e Twitter non c'erano. Meglio oggi o allora?
«Io non ho un profilo su Facebook: ho veri amici, non ho bisogno di fare finta di conoscere centinaia di persone. Non ne capisco l'utilità. Credo che i Pet Shop Boys abbiano un account, però. Twitter è ok, anche se non lo amo: piace alla nostra audience».

Sono passati 25 anni dalla vostra canzone Paninaro. Cosa è cambiato da allora?
«Milano non è cambiata molto, se non negli alberghi e i ristoranti, che sono di maggior qualità. I ragazzi italiani continuano a essere i più stilosi».

Il vostro ultimo album, Yes, ha un titolo decisamente positivo.
«Volevamo fare un album di canzoni pop gioiose e "antidepressive", in qualche modo Warholiane».

Con un visual colorato in linea.
«Abbiamo chiesto a un designer inglese di creare un'immagine colorata e lui ha sposato quadrati di plexiglas su colori brillanti e ha scelto il segno "tick" (simbolo affermativo), che significa "Sì"».

I brani Love etc e Beautiful People parlano di celeb e lusso...
«Beautiful People parla di fuggire dalla realtà quotidiana vivendo come una celeb; Love etc. del desiderio di possedere oggetti prestigiosi. La chiave di lettura è che il consumismo e lo shopping sfrenato, non portano a nulla».

Pandemonium racconta della storia tra Kate Moss e Pete Doherty?
«Sì, anche se l'avevamo scritta in origine per Kylie Minogue. All'epoca la storia tempestosa tra loro ci ha stimolato a scrivere un pezzo immaginando di essere una donna. Un artificio che mi piacee ho già usato».

Secondo Worlde le parole più usare nel vostro album sono Vulnerable, Need, Get, Beautiful. A cosa le associa?
«Vulnerable: alle celeb, particolarmente vulnerabili sotto la maschera del controllo. Need: all'amore. Get: alla cultura. Beautiful: alla gente».

Quali sono i vostri progetti?
«Stiamo scrivendo un balletto ispirato a una delle fiabe meno note di Hans Christian Andersen, per il teatro Sadler's Wells di Londra. È un progetto molto importante, che dovrebbe debuttare nel 2011».

Un'intervista molto fresca dove Neil, dimostra tutta la sua saggezza!!!! ;)
view post Posted on 28/7/2009, 07:12

Neil Tennant:"Pet Shop Boys ancora per altri 25 anni"

Vi posto un link ad una intervista dove Neil sembra essere enstuasta di questo nuovo lavoro e dove ammette che i PSB dureranno altri 25 anni...
Al giorno d'oggi dove si trovano artisti che la pensano ancora così!

Click here
view post Posted on 28/7/2009, 19:30

Press Conference A Israele: (audio only)

e piccolo video di un minutino:

view post Posted on 28/7/2009, 19:40

CITAZIONE (PandemoniumLowe @ 28/7/2009, 08:12)
Neil Tennant:"Pet Shop Boys ancora per altri 25 anni"

Vi posto un link ad una intervista dove Neil sembra essere enstuasta di questo nuovo lavoro e dove ammette che i PSB dureranno altri 25 anni...
Al giorno d'oggi dove si trovano artisti che la pensano ancora così!

Click here

E' molto bello vedere l'entusiasmo in quello che fanno! Sono passati 25 anni e vogliono continuare a suonare e a creare musica!! E' una grande cosa..questa si che è PASSIONE!!!! :)
view post Posted on 28/7/2009, 19:42

SI Vale, hai ragione. Un'altra ragione che mi ha colpito tantissimo di loro è proprio quella....

Tra l'altro nella conference che ho messo, c'è un momento divertente dove il giornalista fa una domanda, Neil fa un secondo di silenzio poi dice :"Chris?" lui rimane in silenzio e dopo dice :"What silence!!" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ma può?????
view post Posted on 28/7/2009, 20:20

ahahahah!!! Troppo forte!
Ma in quale pezzo si sente, nel primo o nel secondo che hai postato? :unsure:
view post Posted on 28/7/2009, 20:21

Ehm... non me lo ricordo.... :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
view post Posted on 25/8/2009, 11:56

Articolo del "NEW YORKER"
I’ve seen the Pet Shop Boys three times, and I cannot recall ever seeing Chris Lowe move. Lowe is the non-singing, writing Boy; Neil Tennant is the writing and singing Boy; and neither member of the utterly brilliant dance-music duo is big on the overt. Their songs return again and again to a specific brand of immobility—the unchanging face that conceals a roiling heart. Tennant and Lowe are part of a great tradition of slipping intense emotions into an envelope of wit that runs straight from Oscar Wilde to Noel Coward to the Boys. But they are still a pop act, and they know that shows should be shows. For their tenth studio album, “Yes,” they’ve mounted something called the Pandemonium tour, which involves dancers in primary colors, white cubes, and hats that would make Isabella Blow proud. Lowe claims that “Every night is Friday night” on this tour, which comes to Hammerstein Ballroom Sept. 1-2. In all the times I’ve seen the Pet Shop Boys, I’ve never been bored, not even a little. That would be a sin. ♦

Il passaggio che ho sottolineato lo trovo meraviglioso!!!! :wub:
view post Posted on 25/8/2009, 17:21

Beh è davvero un gran bel complimento!! ^_^
view post Posted on 27/8/2009, 08:52

Questa TV spagnola ha fatto un'intervista ai PSB basandosi su domande dei fan!
Ne vale la pena perchè è fantastica e fa morire dal ridere.....

vi do un esempio:
"COme mai avete scelto proprio Long Island per il video di Being Boring?"
Chris:"Ah si? Era Long Island? Io non so nemmeno dove sia!!!!"

MA PUOI????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
view post Posted on 28/8/2009, 10:57

Riguardo l'intervista qui sopra ecco le cose più interessanti e divertenti che sono uscite fuori:

- beatles o stones?
Chris: è difficile dare una risposta, tutti e due i gruppi hanno fatto delle belle canzoni.

- se voi doveste ascoltare un solo CD per il resto della vostra vita.
Chris: Impazzirei! Preferirei il silenzio!
Neil: dusty in memphis!

- dov'è la casa a long island dove avete girato il video "Being Boring" e perchè quella casa?
risposta da parte di entrambi: Era Long Island? Non lo sapevamo! :lol:

- a quale età Chris ha imparato a suonare il piano?
Chris: Neil tu lo sai?
Neil: E come potrei saperlo?
Chris: Non me lo ricordo più, doveva essere prima degli 11 anni, mia madre lo deve sapere potrei darle un colpo di telefono! :lol:

- qual'è la cosa più bella al mondo?
Neil: dipende..la natura, il cielo, il sole che brilla..
Chris: io adoro i Surricates (??) ! Quando saltano..
Neil: non so che cos'è un surricate!
Chris: va a controllare su internet! :lol: :lol: :lol:

- il balletto al quale state lavorando partirà in tournée negli USA?
Neil: il balletto sarà presentato a Londra a febbraio 2011, poi partirà in tournée, ma non so dove..in Inghilterra sicuramente, in Europa probabilmente ma non si è ancora parlato per gli Stati Uniti.

Ecco qui..

ed una news che è venuta fuori da quest'intervista: la EMI vuole fare uscire ufficialmente in DVD il film "It couldn't happen here" visto che esiste una copia pirata, e verranno registrati i commenti e verrà fatto al più presto.
Per quanto riguarda Rentless..verrà messo su I-tunes ma non sarà ristampato.
Sono in trattativa un'uscita di una compilation di b-sides e di "Alternative 2" (che non si chiamerà così)..
view post Posted on 28/8/2009, 13:56

Vale grazie per la traduzione!!!!
Sono veramente adorabili!!! Amo il modo con cui scherzano!!!
Il DVD ufficiale? Non ci credo che figata!!!!E sarebbe anche ora perché il film e molto strano ma lo trovo geniale e poi avrebbe i sottotitoli cosa da nn sottovalutare!

Grazie vale!!!

Edited by PandemoniumLowe - 28/8/2009, 21:08
view post Posted on 30/8/2009, 09:29

Pet Shop Boys not surprised by new album's success; get set to tour Canada


TORONTO - Nearly three decades into their career, the synth-pop trailblazing Pet Shop Boys are finding renewed success with their 10th album, "Yes."
And they aren't the least bit surprised.

"Yes, I thought it would get a good response because I think it's a really, really strong pop album," singer Neil Tennant told The Canadian Press in a telephone interview. "I think there were some people who sort of don't think you should be able to make a strong album when you've been around this long. "

"In fact, when you listen to ('Yes'), I think it's got a lot of energy, a pop energy, but melodically I think the first half of the album sounds like a greatest hits album. It's just one amazing melodic pop song after another. "

"And I know because musicians like it - many musicians have said to me: 'Your album's really great.' You know, musicians respond to that kind of thing."

Thus far, musicians aren't the only ones responding to the new material. "Yes" debuted at No. 32 on the Billboard 200 - the British duo's highest chart position since 1993's "Very" bowed at No. 20 - and ebullient first single "Love Etc." became the 10th track by the group to top Billboard's dance chart, a new record.

On Saturday, the Pet Shop Boys launch an extensive North American tour with a show in Montreal. Dates are also scheduled in Vancouver and Toronto.

The tour boasts a stage set by British theatre designer Es Devlin, and Tennant says the show is divided into four sections, each representing a different era in the group's career.

"There is a kind of a collage thing going on, where we've taken the rhythm track from one song and played a different song over it," Tennant explained. "There's a lot of medleys in (our performance)."

"It's a lot to remember, actually, when you're a singer. Sometimes I think: 'God, what is it now?' You start to panic slightly. But no, we're getting into the flow of it now."

Given Pet Shop Boys' proven formula - and keen eye on quality control - their new songs should, in fact, slide in comfortably alongside old ones.

"Yes" features much of what fans have come to expect - meticulous arrangements, danceable, sing-along singles with a tugging melancholy just beneath the surface, and, of course, flashes of Tennant's sardonic wit.

Of course, given how recognizable the Pet Shop Boys' signature sound has become, it's no surprise that they've also become a broad target for parody.

Comedy groups the Lonely Island and Flight of the Conchords have each issued satirical takes on Pet Shop Boys' 1984 smash, "West End Girls."

"Inner City Pressure," culled from Flight of the Conchords' self-titled HBO show, is a not-quite-harrowing tale of urban struggle (a favourite sweater is covered in lint, for instance). In the video, one member of the duo is occasionally shown in the background looking translucent, just as Pet Shop Boys keyboardist Lowe did in the original video.

"Neil likes the record by (Flight of the Conchords) so much he didn't realize it was a comedy record," says keyboardist Chris Lowe with a laugh.

"But yeah, we like parodies, or whatever you want to call it - homage."

"Yes" also has two tracks produced by Toronto's Owen Pallett - a.k.a. Polaris winner Final Fantasy - whom Tennant calls "a bit of a prodigy."

"He's a very creative composer," Tennant said.

Lowe and Tennant both refer to how much fun they've had putting the tour together. They even have fun with the interview, passing the telephone back and forth and shouting things out from the background.

But Lowe, who was reached while the band was in Europe playing shows, said the group still gets anxious about their tours.

"(The tour) is at that sort of slightly nerve-wracking phase, where you don't know if it's all going to crash or whatever, but no, it's great," he said. "We've got some very enthusiastic fans, all going crazy for us. You know, police escorts, and all that kind of thing."

"We're - what's the cliche? - living the dream."
view post Posted on 1/9/2009, 18:14

Intervista a Chris


First of all, congratulations on the success of “Love, etc.” in the U.S. How does it feel to be on the top of the dance charts over here again?

It’s great! I mean, we’ve had really quite the success. It’s great, really. Now if we could top the pop charts. But any chart will do.

You’re about to start a North American tour and you have a lot of loyal fans over here but you’ve historically had quite a hard time with America, with the regular charts, even though you’ve been very successful in the dance charts. Why do you think that is? Is it something to do with the radio not playing you that much?

You can’t really have any success without radio play in America. The DJ at KROQ told us that one day the owner of KROQ came in and threw down “Blue Monday” and said “We’re never playing this again.” So that was kind of officially the end of electronic music on American radio because grunge had just come along and that was sort of the death of electronic music. Electronic music is quite influential, really, at the moment in, I think, hip hop and also in dance, so it’s making a bit of a comeback. Although it went underground and it sort of disappeared from the dance charts, it never really went away and we never stopped doing what we do- we never stopped writing songs, making records, touring. And we have got a very strong fan base and also with the internet now, radio is less important than it was and you’ve got Spotify and Twitter and all the rest of it and so people can discover us without having to come across us via the radio. As you say, we do have a very strong following in America and we can always tour. Also, when you do come across us, it’s great because there’s so much of us. It’s like when I came across David Bowie and I just discovered all these great albums I’d never heard. It’s great when you find an artist that you like.

I wanted to ask you about the new album “Yes”. I know you worked with Xenomania who is very big, especially in the UK. What was your experience working with them like? I noticed that the album now has a more poppy feel to some of the recent predecessors, was that their influence?

Well, actually, we went into our studios to start writing songs and we realized we writing a lot of upbeat, uplifting, euphoric pop songs. So, we thought we should work with the best pop producers in Britain at the time, which is Xenomania. So we approached them and they agreed to work with us and we work very well with them because it’s a team of people and they’re really into pop. They come from all different nationalities, they’re people of all ages- one of the blokes was in the KLS, one of the blokes in Daft Punk, I think he plays occasionally with them, so there’s a large variety of people working there but they have a huge enthusiasm for writing songs and for creating great pop music. The combination of us with them worked really well. But also I think we hit the zeitgeist really because there’s been a resurgence in Britain of electronic pop music. But also you hear the influence of electronics in all of hip hop these days, with The Black Eyed Peas and what they’re doing, and also Lady GaGa and even The Killers’ song “Human” is kind of electronic pop really, produced by Stuart Price, and Madonna’s “Confessions on a Dance Floor”. It seems like there’s been a return of great pop music to the charts and hopefully we’re a part of that.

I wanted to comment on the fact that a lot of your songs have a lot of social commentary, like “Love, etc.” Do you sometimes feel that side of your work is overlooked?

Yeah, I think we have got lumbered with the tag of being ironic 80’s cold electronica which is something I don’t think we’ve ever been. There’s always been a lot of social commentary but we don’t hit people over the head with it. “Love, etc.”, I think, is really good for the current times because it’s anti-consumerist, it’s a song about love. But there is a funny little payoff line “ Don’t have to be beautiful, but it helps”, so there’s a little bit of humor there. And not many people do wit in their songs, a lot of people are very earnest, but we’re not afraid to have humor in our songs. There is some irony to what we do, I don’t think there’s any irony on this record, but I think one of the things people do underestimate about Pet Shop Boys is the emotional content of the songs and there’s quite a lot of sadness as well, which often gets overlooked, I think.

You’ve just received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Brits. What was that experience like?

Oh, it’s fantastic! Brandon Flowers from The Killers presented us with the award and he made the most gorgeous speech. It was very flattering to see that he did that. It almost brought tears to the eyes, really, it was just so heartfelt. And then we did a medley of our songs, which was about 16 minutes or so and he came on performed “It’s A Sin” with us, along with Lady GaGa, so it was a really fantastic moment. We’re not really that concerned about awards, but this was quite nice because it was the music industry that was honoring us for all the work we’ve done over the years and everything and it was quite a special occasion and we put a lot of work into the performance. It was great and hopefully we’ll get another one in another 20-odd years! Still haven’t got a Grammy!

Add one of those to add to the collection, I know you’ve got plenty of awards. Maybe as the tides are turning, you might get one soon! We’ll hope so.

You’ve worked with everyone from Dusty Springfield to Robbie Williams to Madonna. Is there anyone in the business that you’d still like to work with?

Well, we’ve just written a song for Shirley Bassey, which is on her next album, which is being produced by David Arnold. Oh, can you believe it’s just started to rain here. The person that we say that we’d really like to work with, I don’t know if it’ll ever happen, is Stevie Nicks. I think we tend to like working with female vocals, but we have done remixes for David Bowie and Blur and The Killers, but to write a new song…actually one of the people I would really have loved to have worked with would be Nina Simone, but sadly, she isn’t here anymore. One of the most memorable concerts I ever went to was Nina Simone. It ended with her slamming the piano lid down and everyone was slow hand clapping and slowly walking out of the room. It was really fantastic, inspirational. I don’t know how difficult that would have been in the studio to deal with. Quite often these things come because people approach us and you never know who’s going to phone up and ask you if you’d like to work with them. We’ll consider everything.

Would you ever consider producing a full album for somebody?

Well, we did Dusty a whole album…no, no we did half an album for Dusty, a full album for Liza. We’re quite busy at the moment with this tour and we’re also writing music for a ballet which is going to be performed at Saddlers Wells, so we’re doing that. We never stop, really, and then we probably have to do our own album, but, anyway, if something interesting came along, we’d definitely consider doing a whole album for somebody.

I read that you originally wrote “Heart” for Madonna, but you didn’t want to take the risk of (the disappointment of her turning it down)

Well Neil said that so it must be true, I don’t remember that!

Are there any other songs you wrote with other people in mind but decided to do yourself?

I can’t think of anything. There may well be, but I can’t recall.

You just said you were going to be working on a ballet when the tour finishes. Is there anything else lined up after that?

Steven Daldry who directed “An Inspector Calls” and also directed “Billy Elliott”, he’s interested in doing a musical with us, but that’s quite a long way in the future, but we’d still like to write another musical.

After 25 years in the business, what keeps it exciting for you?

We like so many aspects of what we do. We love writing the songs and what’s really amazed us is that we’ve become a touring act- we never really thought that we would do that. We just thought we were meant to write songs in the studio, put records out, make videos and touring is the aspect of what we do that’s surprised me the most, how enjoyable it is and not only that but in Europe and Japan, where it’s for the festival headline act, which has come as a bit of a surprise to us, really. But what I think we particularly like about touring is the reaction of the audience and the warmth and love that you feel from the crowd, you can really feel it on the stage and I don’t know if that’s because we’ve been around so long and we mean so much to people in the audience but you can really feel this outpouring of love and it’s a really nice feeling.

Well, that’s all I wanted to ask, but it was a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you so much for doing this.

Great! And what are you doing there (In the U.S.)?

I am working with PRO MOTION, you know, the company that did “Love, etc”, the promotion for that. Been here for a while…enjoying it, New York’s not bad.

Oh, I love New York. Never lived there long enough, though. I’ve been there for, like, weeks. I always thought I’d end up there. No, never happened.

Bellissima intervista, è davvero bello come proprio Chris ( dall'atteggiamento musone e statico sul palco) sia così entusiasta del loro lavoro...
E questa frase:
It was great and hopefully we’ll get another one in another 20-odd years! Still haven’t got a Grammy! riassume proprio tutto questo entusiasmo... è quasi commovente...
... e poi afferma che stanno iniziando a lavorare all'undicesimo album!
Lunga vita ai PSB! :wub:

Edited by PandemoniumLowe - 1/9/2009, 19:29
view post Posted on 1/9/2009, 18:44

Beh allora c'è da festeggiare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

Che splendida NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 replies since 26/7/2009, 11:53   157 views